Posts Tagged 'Update'

Google’s Slash and Burn Agriculture

There is no point covering the detail, or linking to a certain chart that has been doing the rounds. It has all been done, and in exhaustive, nah, excruciating detail. I guess the most interesting thing about this update that has not been beaten to death is exactly what Google is talking about when they say stuff like “low-quality sites”.

I don’t think we’ll really know for a little while, at least until Google is done with tweaking it. But that does not stop people from being really sure they know what Google means. I had a fun filled conversation with one of these recently.

As it turns out, according to someone with stronger opinions than mine, a content farm is a site that is optimised for search and doesn’t provide deep content. I guess IMDB is in trouble than. Also, they are sites that prevent company and brand websites from appearing higher in search.

Apparently this is a major issue. Companies and brands have a god given right to all the free, organic, traffic they can handle, and it is the evil google and SEO cartel that is preventing them from having what it rightfully theirs.

So there you have it. The more you know.
